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Want to ensure you aren't leaving Equity on the table?

Our EquityAPI Digital Content toolkit provides streaming educational sessions, daily podcasts and Live Streams to empower you with the knowledge of your current Equity Compensation.




Our Transition solution is designed around the recruiting process to ensure you aren't leaving equity on the table during negotiations.  EquityAPI is your Career Agent, similar to a professional athlete's agent.  We are your advocate.  Transition provides negotiating prowess and expertise to accrue your full value as a professional.  


Our Access solution is designed for personalized ongoing, on-call/"on-Zoom" equity compensation sessions for your current equity.  Access provides a Complimentary subscription to our EquityAPI digital content Toolkit, and Access includes all of the capabilities provided in TransitionComplimentary.


Within Access, we offer a Core solution and a Pro solution.  Core provides personalized equity education to you, as well as monthly digital meetings.  Our Pro solution provides "White Glove" priority with a 72-hour in-person meeting turnaround time for a deliverable, monthly in-person meetings, and VIP responsiveness.


*Disclaimer: EquityAPI DOES NOT provide investment advice or recommendations.  We provide educational and consultative services regarding equity compensation and DO NOT solicit any investment products or securities.


Want to ensure you aren't leaving Equity on the Table?


Reach out to schedule a Complimentary initial consultation.


Professionals looking for on-going educational and professional development.  Includes all the benefits of Transitions, and EquityAPI's digital content, Complimentary.

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